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USResearch: Explore: Background Research

Understanding the research process.


Before you dig deep on any research task, it's a good idea to build your general understanding of the subject. This will help you later when your start focusing the topic and writing your research question. You need to know the questions and  issues around the topic, as well as the special vocabulary related to that topic.

You should:

  • Decide your topic
  • Generate ideas
  • Explore a wide variety of general resources
  • Develop background knowledge

Forget Google! SweetSearch is Better!

SweetSearch is built especially for students.  It only searches content that has been pre-vetted by librarians, so you know the sources are reliable, though they may be biased.  You still have to think about how relevant they are to your topic.

Current Issues / Viewpoints

It's not always easy to find unbiased articles looking at all sides of current events.  The souces in this box will help. They look at current issues from multiple perspectives, leaving you to make up your own mind.


Using Credo Reference

Britannica School


Start with the Databases!

Gale Middle School

Explore the most-studied topics including cultures, government, people, history, literature, and more. 

Britannica: Young Adult

access to multimedia content on many subjects and the ability to toggle between reading levels.

If you HAVE to Google, Google Smart!