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G6: The New World: Migration

Migration Theories

Vikings in North America

Viking Colonies in the Americas

The Vinland Map: (Just because Ms. Hurd thinks it's super interesting)

So I went down a (short!) YouTube rabbit hole on this one!   Here are the two I thought the most interesting, plus a fun site where you get to be the detective.

Graphic History

Mixed Evidence on Human Occupation of the Americas

New techniques have shown that people reached the New World far earlier than the long-standing estimate of 13,000 years ago, but scientists still debate exactly when humans arrived on the continent—and how.   Source: The Scientist

Map of Gene Flow In and Out of Beringia

Colors of the arrows correspond to approximate timing of the events and are decoded in the colored time bar. The initial peopling of Beringia (the region depicted in light yellow) was followed by a standstill after which the ancestors of the Native Americans spread swiftly all over the New World 

World Map of Native American DNA Population

Pre-Colonial Populations with Possible Migrations Route

How did people arrive in the Americas?