The right panel of the Notecards screen for your outline. To save space, it only shows up when you click on the Outline button in the upper right of your screen (A).
If you need more space for the outline, click and drag the three dots between the tabletop and outline panels that can be dragged left and right (B).
How to create items in the outline
When you begin a new outline, you’ll find a sample topic and subtopic already in place.
You can delete these default items if you wish. Or double-click on the title (Topic or Subtopic) in the outline to edit. (or on an iPad, long-press the title and select the option to edit the title from the menu). When you finish editing, either press Enter or click outside of the edit box to save the changes.
How to add a new topic or subtopic to the outline
Click on the topic previous to where you want to add the new topic. Click the + button and select Add ___ (C).
(You can also just control click on the heading.)
How to edit/ delete a topic from the outline
To remove a topic from the outline, control click on the item and select edit or delete.
Deleting a topic in your outline will delete all of the subtopics under that topic, so do this carefully!
How to link notecards to topics in the outline
You can link your notecards to specific topics just by dragging and dropping them on top of the topic or subtopic heading you want them to appear under.
Rearranging or Removing notecards
It's super easy to rearrange your notecards. Just select the notecard you want to move and drag to the appropriatee topic or subtopic. To remove it from your outline, just drag it back to the Notecards section.